Video editing skills

Introduction to the general function of Final Cut Pro Control the size of a library in Final Cut Pro Add caption automatically

Dual Boot Ubuntu 22.04 and Windows 11 on a windows computer (dual systems)

This tutorial is about installing a Ubuntu 22.04 desktop OS on a windows computer and booting them freely. 1. Prerequisite A computer running Windows 11 OS. An empty USB stick 2. My Environment My computer: MSI GE76 12UHS (12 gen intel cpu, Nvidia 3080Ti) USB: Kingston 128gb 3. Download Ubuntu 22.04 ios file online. From …

Overlay pictures anywhere in Latex

Reproduced from Overlay a picture anywhere on a page (doesn’t influence the original format) : \documentclass{article} \usepackage{graphicx,tikz} \pagestyle{empty} \begin{document} \mbox{} \begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture] \node[anchor=north west,inner sep=0pt]at ([xshift=1cm,yshift=-1cm]current page.north west) {\includegraphics[width=5cm]{example-image-a}}; %only to show the values: \draw[red,<->] ([yshift=-1cm]current page.north west) –++ (1,0) node[midway,above]{1cm}; \draw[red,<->] ([xshift=1cm]current page.north west) –++ (0,-1) node[midway,right]{1cm}; \draw[red,<->] ([xshift=1cm,yshift=-3cm]current page.north west) –++ (5,0) …

在 Oracle Cloud 搭建終身免費 VPN 服務

本文转自 最近看到甲骨文又開放永久免費使用的虛擬機,所以一口氣就去申請了四台 兩台在日本東京,兩台在美國西岸鳳凰城。。。🥺 機器的效能大約跟一台樹莓派 3 差不多,而且一個帳號可以開兩台虛擬機 每月還有 10TB 的流量,拿來搭一個 VPN 來用非常讚,如果是給自己使用的話是非常富餘的~ 有需要了解更多甲骨文永久免費服務的話,可以去官網參考常見問題 日本東京跟韓國首爾的伺服器比較難搶,因為是亞洲線路,延遲比較低,所以非常搶手 我大約花了兩個多小時才搶到兩台東京,台灣中華電信晚上高峰 ping 過去大約 35ms 左右,還算蠻穩定的 甲骨文的韓國首爾伺服器大約在 75ms 左右,所以除非有特殊用途,不然亞洲開一個東京即可 美西鳳凰城則相對簡單,我美西兩台直接按下去就秒開了,運氣很好~ 美西的 ping 則是大約在 170ms 左右,表現中規中矩 Google Outline Outline 是一個開放原始碼的 VPN 工具,基於 ShadowSocks 基礎上開發的,有良好加密跟隱蔽性 官網上有一系列 GUI 軟體可以提供快速部屬伺服器跟全平台客戶端 App 可以安裝,而且是全免費的 廢話不多說,要部屬伺服器就先下載 Outline Manager App Outline Manager 支援三種平台的自動快速部屬,其中 DigitalOcean 是需要另外購買的 Google Cloud Platform 跟 Amazon …

Squeezing space in LaTeX

This article is reproduced from, and can be deleted if requested. I’ve been writing a grant application with a 10-page limit, and as usual it is difficult to squeeze everything in. No, I can’t just change the font as it has to be 12 point with at least 2 cm margins on an A4 …

Bitrix 24 – A suitable free project management webapp for student groups

Recently, I want to find a suitable project management webapp for my students. After testing, Clickup, Trello, TAIGA, etc. , I found that the free plan of Bitrix 24 is currently a better choice for small student groups that have less than 10 members. The reasons are as follows: You can have 10 members …

Apply for an always free aarch64 VPS (VM instance) from Oracle cloud infrastructure.

1. Prerequisite An Oracle cloud account, which can be registered on Note: You need a valid credit card to finish registration. Choose your home region carefully. Some regions may have less functionalities and you can’t change home region after registration. A personal computer with git installed. 2. My Environment MacBook Air 13 inch with …