Overlay pictures anywhere in Latex

Reproduced from https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/408447 Overlay a picture anywhere on a page (doesn’t influence the original format) : \documentclass{article} \usepackage{graphicx,tikz} \pagestyle{empty} \begin{document} \mbox{} \begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture] \node[anchor=north west,inner sep=0pt]at ([xshift=1cm,yshift=-1cm]current page.north west) {\includegraphics[width=5cm]{example-image-a}}; %only to show the values: \draw[red,<->] ([yshift=-1cm]current page.north west) –++ (1,0) node[midway,above]{1cm}; \draw[red,<->] ([xshift=1cm]current page.north west) –++ (0,-1) node[midway,right]{1cm}; \draw[red,<->] ([xshift=1cm,yshift=-3cm]current page.north west) –++ (5,0) …

Squeezing space in LaTeX

This article is reproduced from https://robjhyndman.com/hyndsight/squeezing-space-with-latex/, and can be deleted if requested. I’ve been writing a grant application with a 10-page limit, and as usual it is difficult to squeeze everything in. No, I can’t just change the font as it has to be 12 point with at least 2 cm margins on an A4 …